123Guestbook.com will be shutting down on the 1st of July. Learn more


9:53pm 12-18-2023
hii! I love your website sm!!! I put your button on my website since the recourses on there helped me a lot!
12:18am 10-09-2023
watching ur site evolve in real time is rlly nice - excited to see what direction you'll take it :3
3:17pm 10-05-2023
1:55pm 09-30-2023
hey kiana!! to answer your question: yes, we can be net neighbors, and either use the "Hello World" or "What the fuck" buttons at the bottom of my page. or both if you are so inclined. also sweet start to your website + your guestbook icon is really cute!! good thinking on adding a guestbook early on cuz i wish i had one during the beginning of my site. thanks for stopping by my site
Replied on: 4:24pm 09-30-2023

hello! I ended up using the hello world button, it is super cute! and thank you so much! I do not have a button at the moment, but I plan on making one myself potentially - again, thank you for the warm welcome, it means a lot

1:04pm 09-30-2023